Axl Rose Guitarist DJ Ashba Reveals Two New Guns N’ Roses Albums in the Can

Axl Rose has two new Guns N' Roses albums recorded, according to DJ Ashba, the band's guitarist.

Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose has so far only offered that the band was halfway finished with its follow-up to Chinese Democracy and is ready with a remix album of their 2008 hit record.

Speaking to Guitar International magazine, Guns N' Roses guitarist DJ Ashba at Guitar said Axl Rose has been very prolific, with two albums just about ready to be released.

"Axl, of course, has, I believe, two complete albums worth of songs already recorded and probably a s**tload of other stuff I've never heard," DJ Ashba told Guitar International. "He's played me quite a bit of stuff that's phenomenal, and, hopefully, I can get my hands on it and put my little stamp on it, before all is said and done."

"Lack of songs is not our problem," Ashba continued. "Axl, of course, has, I believe, two complete albums worth of songs already recorded and probably a s--tload of other stuff I've never heard. He's played me quite a bit of stuff that's phenomenal, and, hopefully, I can get my hands on it and put my little stamp on it, before all is said and done."

Ashba said the new Guns N' Roses songs sound like the band is going bac to their late '80s period sound and he loves it. "It's very much what I grew up on," Ashba told Guitar International, "what I loved about the band."

Ashba's interview reflects comments from Dizzy Reed, keyboardist for Guns N' Roses who said the band's new record was close to being finished back in July.

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