Dredd 2 Movie Cancelled? Producers Say No Dredd Sequel on the Way; Look Out for Short Film Starring Karl Urban

Dredd 2 movie cancelled? Fans who have been waiting for a sequel to Dredd may be disappointed.

Karl Urban confirmed that he has been in negotiations to star in Dredd 2, but reports on the talks may be misldeading. Adi Shankar, the producer for Dredd, recently admitted that a Dredd sequel won't be happening anytime soon.

Fans and critics hailed the 2012 Judge Dredd franchise reboot from Pete Travis. They liked it a lot more than Danny Cannon's 1995 adaptation which starred Sylvester Stallone. Dredd was compared  to Gareth Evans' The Raid: Redemption, which went into production at the same time as Dredd.

Travis and Karl Urban, the star of Dredd, have been running with the post-release momentum. Urban says he wants to put the Judge helmet on again for another installment in the franchise. Fans are hoping that Travis and Urban, along with producer Adi Shankar, will eventually release Dredd 2.

Urban has been encouraging Dredd fans to keep hope alive. Urban teased that the team that brouth the the first Dredd installment, like Alex Garland, who wrote the screenplay, are working "very, very hard" on a Dredd sequel.

Urban says if Dredd 2 is made, it will be because of the ongoing fan campaign.

Dredd 2 is still a long way off. Producer Adi Shankar said Karl Urban's recent statements that "conversations are happening" are true, but tells fans not to jump to the conclusion that those talks will result in a Dredd sequel.

Dredd told Dweebcast that there is still no script. The makers of the first Dredd reboot adapted the "Judge Dredd" comic book as faithfully as any Dredd fans could hope. It had over-the-top violence, a lot of dead bodies and a hero without a face.

A Dredd short film has been rumored since Dredd first found success on DVD last year.

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