Facebook Inc Alerts Mobile And Desktop Users Of Upcoming Privacy Changes Scheduled To Take Place In 2015 Letting Users Fine Adjust Privacy Settings To Their Own Liking

Facebook is notifying mobile as well as desktop users of the forthcoming privacy changes.

Online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California, Facebook, pushed a rather uncommon service notification to users on Tuesday, giving millions of its members a cue of update to its terms, data and cookies policies, advertising systems and new privacy controls.

The new Privacy Basics features leads users through steps to fine adjust privacy settings to their own liking. The interactive guides enable members to customize settings in three areas including the following: "how others interact with you," "What others see about you" and "what you see." Moreover, the company also advised users to check changes to its terms of service and policies concerning the collection of data, tracking cooking and advertising. Facebook reveals that numerous of the changes are designed to increase transparency about operations including:

  • Details about how location information is collected and used when on mobile devices.
  • Details about the new Buy button that enables members to make purchases without leaving Facebook.
  • Explanation of how Facebook audits device data, like battery and signal strength to improve its apps.
  • More details explaining how Facebook shares data between its services,like WhatsApp and Instagram.

The most significant thing regarding Facebook Inc. policy change is how the online social networking service giant now respects user's advertising preferences regardless of device. Before this change, a member could opt of advertising settings on a laptop; however, the same settings wouldn't apply on the member's iOS device. This change is slated to take place on January 1st 2015.

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