12-year-old Argentine Schoolgirl Gives Birth to Twins on Same Day 9-year-old Gives Birth in Mexico

A 12-year-old schoolgirl in Argentina gave birth to twins on January 27, the same day that a 9-year-old girl gave birth to a baby girl in Jalisco, Mexico.

The 12-year-old mother, whose identity has not been disclosed, gave birth to twin sons, born five weeks prematurely with a Caesarian section. The two boys each weighed a mere three pounds, four ounces.

Police in the town of Chilecito in Argentina have questioned two possible fathers whose ages are 16 and 20. They say they are treating the pregnancy as a case of child abuse.

The pre-teen mom's 14-year-old's sister also gave birth three months ago, according to authorities.

Local residents have taken up a collection for the two girls' parents-a handyman and a housewife--who now have to care for the three newborn children along with their daughters.

Meanwhile, details continue to emerge about the 9-year-old that gave birth in Jalisco, Mexico.

It was reveled on Thursday that the 17-year-old father, currently sought by police for questioning related to possible statutory rape charges from the pregnancy, offered to let the young mother move in with him. She refused.

The teenage father is believed to be looking for work outside of town.

The 9-year-old girl, who reportedly has 11 brothers and sisters, had a contraceptive implant put in her arm at Zoquipan Hospital, where the baby was born, to ensure she doesn't become pregnant again.

"The girl received a subdermal contraceptive implant after her parents signed consent forms, "Raymundo Serrano, head of Gynaecology at Zoquipan, told the Daily Mail. "It was administered in her forearm and will be effective for up to three years."

Serrano added: "The girl comes from a dysfunctional family."

The youngest girl to ever give birth was a five-year-old girl in Peru, who gave birth to a 5-pound boy she named Gerardo in 1939. Her parents had taken her to a doctor after they feared her baby bump was a tumor.

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