'The Flash' Season 2 Spoilers: Vibe And Killer Frost Inbound? Grant Gustin Confirms Multiverse Introduction

Fans will have to wait until fall of this year to find out what happened to Barry Allen in the finale of season 1. For the meantime, here are some "The Flash" season 2 spoilers on new meta-humans that will probably be introduced next season.

One of the most anticipated reveal is Danielle Panabaker's character Caitlyn Snow turning into Killer Frost. (Via Ibtimes)

 "From the beginning, I knew that Caitlin Snow becomes Killer Frost. And I can't wait to suit up and duke it out with the boys!" she said.

Meanwhile, his partner, Cisco Ramon played by Carlo Valdes, is hinted to play the superhero, Vibe. Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) told him that he was also affected by the explosion of the particle accelerator which granted him the power.

Also, Grant Gustin confirmed that the story of season 2 will revolve on the Multiverse via TV Guide.

"What's fun about this show is that there's going to be multiple timelines as we move forward," Gustin said. "I think we're going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future. There will be kind of different dimensions going on."

Lastly, for fans who can't wait for the announcement of "The Flash" season 2 release date, Den of Geek projected that the new season's lauch will be in October.

"Every single season of 'Arrow' has premiered on the Wednesday night before the start of New York Comic Con. This year, New York Comic Con kicks off on Thursday, Oct. 8. Therefore, I'm pretty sure 'Arrow' season 4 will start on Wednesday, Oct. 7. And since last year, 'The Flash' premiered the night before the 'Arrow' season premiere; I have no reason to doubt that this year will follow the same pattern."

"I predict 'The Flash' season 2 will premiere on Tuesday Oct. 6. I'll update this with official word when I have it," as stated in the website.

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