Rockstar Assured Fans Of A ‘GTA 6’ Release Date; Female Character To Be Introduced?

With the release of different and highly acclaimed games this year and 2014, which includes "GTA 5," Rockstar Studios recently announced a possibility of an earlier release date for "GTA 6."

A recent report from Develop Online showed how Rockstar boss Leslie Benzies revealed future plans for the franchise that got a lot of their fans excited for the possible release date of the game.

"We've got about 45 years worth of ideas we want to do," Benzies revealed concerning the possible release date of "GTA 6." "We don't know what 'GTA 6' will be, but we've got some ideas."

Furthermore, in the same interview, the 44-year-old game producer also talked about the possible plans for the game, including the setting where the game is expected to take place.

"It comes from the idea first," he claimed. "Where is it going to be set is the first question. Then that defines the missions; you're doing different things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map and story get worked up together, and the story is a basic flow of how it works out so you can layer the missions in."

Speculations from fans, however, point out the possibility of having the game set in London, among other places.

Without a release date officially set for "GTA 6," fans also expect the game to be available in 2018 or 2020 to give time for the development of the open world title.
Master Herald also pointed out the possibility for a female character to be introduced alongside a male character, even pointing out the possible appearances from Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes.

"The female character report has long been in the rumor mill so the only thing new in the report is the involvement of the partner of Eva Mendes to the project," the report claimed.

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