'The Flash' Season 2 Episode 9 Preview: Barry And Patty To Break Up? Wally West Makes His Debut!

The Flash will have its mid-season break after this week's episode is over. "The Flash" season 2 episode 9 will be  a Christmas special featuring Flash battling three seasoned villains.

Here's the episode's synopsis courtesy of Comic Book. Weather Wizard will be back to Central City probably to repay his debt to Captain Cold.

"MARK HAMILL, WENTWORTH MILLER AND LIAM MCINTYRE RETURN; KEIYNAN LONSDALE JOINS THE CAST AS WALLY WEST - When Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard (guest star Liam McIntyre) returns to break Leonard Snart AKA Captain Cold (guest star Wentworth Miller) and James Jesse AKA The Trickster (guest star Mark Hamill) out of Iron Heights, Barry (Grant Gustin) must stop these rogues from taking over Central City during Christmas. Meanwhile, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Iris (Candice Patton) meet Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale)."

Also, fans should anticipate the debut of Wally West, to be played by Keynan Lomsdale. In fact, lead star Grant Gustin hinted that he will showcase a new power in the next episode.

"Barry does another thing with his powers that he, in the moment, discovers and that he's never done before. It's kind of goofy in a way where it's very comic book-y. It's cool," he told TVline.

Also, he hinted that his relationship with Patty Spivot will get a little complicated. In the past episodes, Barry was occupied a lot by his Flash persona which, his detective girlfriend easily finds fishy.

"Things are shifting with their relationship." Barry told the website. According to him, things from hereon out will be "getting a little harder."

Will they decide to break-up or will Barry be forced to reveal his secret just to save their relationship? Stay tuned.

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