‘Attack On Titan’ PS4 Game; CAPCOM Reveals Arcade Version With Omni-Directional Gear

"Attack on Titan" is one of the most popular anime TV series in the past few years. A post apocalyptic world where humans live inside fortified walls while dealing with giants or titans whose aim is to capture and eat humans. Because its massive popularity, the manga and anime TV series has been adapted to live action films and games.

The PS4 adaptation was unveiled in Japan last February and will soon have its US adaptation soon although no date is still set. But even without the date, fans of the game should consider waiting for the game because of its amazing gameplay. According to Cinema Blend, "Attack on Titan" game for PS4 has a closer to home adaptation:

"So basically players will be able to choose how they approach titans in the game. They can either go all in and just attack them outright or they can be smart about it and attempt to use the environment to sneak up on the titans. Environments can also be destroyed where roofs can collapse and buildings can plummet, so players have to be careful how they traverse the sandbox-style levels. "

As for the storyline, fans of the anime TV series will definitely relate to the upcoming game. According to IGN, "Koei Tecmo's Attack on Titan producer Hisashi Koinuma said the Attack on Titan game's story will come from the first season of the Attack on Titan anime."

Aside from PS4 adaptation of the game with the same name, another adaptation is coming soon and will even feature interesting interactive with gamers. According to Anime News Network, an arcade game is coming soon through CAPCOM and will feature the same gear used by the characters in the popular anime TV series. The arcade game of CAPCOM will feature online co-op, single player or network game of up to eight players.

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