'Sex And The City' Reunion To Happen Soon? Sarah Jessica Parker Feels That There Is 'One Last Chapter To Tell' While Cynthia Nixon Dismisses The Idea Of Another SATC Movie

Fans of femme series 'Sex and the City' will have a reason to be joyous since Sarah Jessica Parker recently hinted the possibility of a big screen reunion. Parker, who plays fashionable writer Carrie Bradshaw, tells InStyle magazine about her yearning for another SATC movie.

"A part of me thinks there is one last chapter to tell. But timing is a peculiar thing. It isn't a decision that can wait forever. I don't want to have to wear muumuus!" said the actress. She isn't alone with her desire for a reunion because Kristin Davis  had a similar view when she talked to Haute Living.

"I don't think [a third film] is a pipe dream, there is discussion.  People talk about it amongst the people who are the players, but I don't know if it will come together. It would be very exciting if it did," explained Davis. 

However, Cynthia Nixon isn't really delighted with the idea of an SATC reunion and tells people to just "let go" of their hopes. When Davis was told about her co-star's view, she quipped, "I'm going to have a little talk with Cynthia the next time I see her!"

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Sex and the City
Sarah Jessica Parker
Cynthia Nixon
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