Oscars 2014 Nominations - Joaquin Phoenix Leads ‘Snub’ List; Academy Avoids Controversy But Leaves Out The Year's Best Performances!

The Oscars 2014 Nominations have been announced. Hot on its heels are the snubs.  Every year, there are always overlooked performances, but this year has the most. Joaquin Phoenix is probably the most notable yet understandable snub of the year.

Last year, Phoenix was nominated for his performance in "The Master." Then, he uttered this statement in Interview magazine: "I think it's bullshit. I think it's total, utter bullshit, and I don't want to be a part of it. I don't believe in it. It's a carrot, but it's the worst-tasting carrot I've ever tasted in my whole life. I don't want this carrot. It's totally subjective. Pitting people against each other... It's the stupidest thing in the whole world." Still, there's no denying that Joaquin Phoenix is one of the best actors alive and he was outstanding in "Her."

Speaking of "Her," the Academy failed to break new ground which the Golden Globes feared to tread. Scarlett Johansson's voice performance as Samantha, the operating system was "the heart and soul of the movie." (Indiewire) Alas, physical presence is still a requirement for any performance award.

Also on the Best Actress front, the first ever non-directors to be presented with a Palme d' Or in Cannes did not even merit a second look. Lea Seydoux and Adele Exarchopolous were the lead actresses in this love story, and Exarchopolous should at least be nominated. Cannes did not outcast it as a 'lesbian' love story, but perhaps the Academy was not ready to do the same. No less than Steven Spielberg, president of the Cannes jury, called it magnificent.

The standout performance of the year belonged to actress Brie Larson of "Short Term 12." They hardly hoped for a nomination despite the intense rave from the critics. The sad reality that production outfits also need to campaign to get a foot in the door, and Larson's comedic background (21 Jumpstreet, Scott Pilgrim) that may prevent Academy members to take her seriously. From Indiewire:

 "..the solid, responsible sense of composure falls away to reveal the fiery, fragile person underneath. Larson has to turn on a dime to pull off the many different facets of the character, and does so without the strain even nearly starting to show. She might not be a nominee now, but expect many to come over the years."

Oscars 2014 Nominations
Joaquin Phoenix
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