YG Entertainment Given World’s Highest Design Awards

YG Entertainment has the triple crown of the world's best design awards.

According to a statement made by YG on the 24th, they were given the Brand New Award 2012, Good Design Award 2013, and IF Design Award 2014, for a total of 3 design awards.

Starting in the last half of 2012, YG worked with Plus X for their YG BI (Brand Identity) Renewal Project. This 6-month long project went beyond just providing music content. It was a creation of a global lifestyle brand.

Brand New Award 2012 is organized by Brand New, where world-class designers share information. The best brand design companies worldwide submitted their works, and it's the first time Korea's design or Korea's design brand was given this award.

Good Design Award is a globally recognized award that dates back to 1950. Global companies such as Apple, BMW, Audi, B&O, and Starbucks have all received this same award.

IF Design Award is an international design award that boasts one of the largest scales of competition that is highly influential.

YG has been acknowledged among the world famous companies through their design brand. They proved their worth in not only music and artists, but brand identity and design as well.

YG Entertainment
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