Jun Ji Hyun Country-Wide Explosive Craze In China

"Where is China's 'My Love from the Star?'"

A whopping 300 Chinese police members, 50 security personnel, 50 private security guards, and 100 reporters from 60 different local media sources gathered to greet one Korean star That was no other than Jun Ji Hyun. Who would believe that it was just a promotional visit? One might think that it was a country event.

On March 21st a promotion event was held at the Sheraton Hotel in Shanghai. People were only allowed to enter the scene by passing through a security checkpoint that had been set up. It was revealed that local organizers installed metal detectors the days before, and security measures were carefully taken. It was a sight not often seen through general promotions, as this event was supposed to be.

Jun Ji Hyun. She earned the title of 'Hallyu Goddess' with her recent appearance in SBS drama "My Love from the Star". There was been a particularly explosive interest of the star in China. That much was obvious at the set of the promotion event. Jeo Woo Jin (23), a fan present for the event, shared, "I came to know her through 'My Love from the Star.' Even despite her catty attitude and unlikeable actions, she's still lovely because she's Jun Ji Hyun. These days I call my boyfriend 'Manager Do,' and she calls me 'Chun Song Ee.' I'm happy."

Jun Ji Hyun's popularity has exploded so much that there's a term called 'JunJiHyun-nomics' (Jun Ji Hyun & economics) that's been coined. Her line "Chicken and beer are the best for the first snowfall" from the drama has caused a chicken and beer craze in China. Even Wall Street Journal noted Jun Ji Hyun's impressive star power. Worldwide luxury goods are riding on Jun Ji Hyun's influence as well.

The event didn't take longer than 30 minutes, but 600 local fans gathered 6 hours before the event and waited outside the main entrance of the hotel. These fans that had to go through a thorough security search didn't look tired even after their long wait, and were busy searching the Korean star's name on their cellphones. They looked up photos of Jun Ji Hyun at Incheon Airport and searched for articles about her. Occasionally some fans were overheard commenting 'Unnie is so pretty.'

There was a big screen installed on the left side of the stage, and it played everything about Jun Ji Hyun. The star was pictured dancing techno for a CF in 1999, acting in 'My Love from the Star,' and more. The fans cried out, "Chun Song Ee," "Jun Ji Hyun," and "Unnie."

The fans also prepared a small gift to the star. They greeted the actress through UCC, saying "I am so-and-so. Thank you for coming to see us," "When will you come again?" "We love you, Jun Ji Hyun," and "You are my destiny." They also acted out some of her scenes from the popular drama.

As soon as the drama's theme song, Lyn's "My Destiny," came on, the fans got up out of their seats and onto their feet. The local police tried to contain the fans and yelled for them to sit down, to no avail.

Finally the host announced the Chinese translation of "My Love from the Star," and Jun Ji Hyun made her appearance. The fans bolted forward and caused a small disturbance trying to get closer to the Hallyu star.

Jun Ji Hyun was sporting her trademark long straight hair and bright smile. She greeted them, "Thank you for greeting me," and made eye contact as she thanked her fans for coming out to meet her. Although it was a short meeting, Jun Ji Hyun said, "Let's meet again. Please wait until the next meeting."

The fans seemed disappointed at the short meeting, and they cried out, "Unnie, don't go!" and followed her.

So why do Chinese fans love Jun Ji Hyun so much? The fans answer, "We just like her because she's Jun Ji Hyun," which gives us an insight into their love for the actress.

Lin Ming (24), a fan, stated, "I liked her before 'My Love from the Star.' I'm infatuated by her great acting skills. Even as a girl myself, I have no choice but to be excited by her," and looked very happy. Fei Fei (31) stated, "She's pretty. She's really pretty. I really want to be like her. Nowadays Korean dramas are really popular, but of all the actresses she's the most beautiful."

Male fans were no different. Huang Zhong Xi (22) and Wang Hu Yi (29) stated, "It's a given that any guy will like Jun Ji Hyun. We don't know why we just discovered her recently. If we had taken an interest sooner, then we would have watched everything she starred in."

Jun Ji Hyun
My Love from the Star
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