IU's Concert Guest Lee Seung Gi, "Different Gender Ratio From My Concert..."

Singer Lee Seung Gi attended IU's concert as a guest, revealing his speaking skills that he's been practicing through entertainment programs.

On June 3, IU's first national tour 'Real Fantasy 2012' was held in Seoul, and Lee Seung Gi came out as a guest in the second half of the concert.

Lee Seung Gi, after singing the title song of his 5th album 'We're Friends' shared, "At times like these when there are so many groups similar to each other, I think the only female solo that has so much influence on others is IU. I ask you for more support so that IU can continue with her popularity."

Then, after looking at the audience full of male fans, said "There are so many guys here unlike my concert...” arousing laughter.

He also noted about soccer star Park Ji Sung who attended the concert stating "I'm so honored to have our national star Park Ji Sung attending the concert. I'm a fan."

Lee Seung Gi
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