Don't Wash Your Jeans, Just Freeze Them: Levi Strauss & Co CEO Says Jeans Will Last If You Don't Get Fat

Do you want to conserve water? Do you spend less money buying new jeans? Do you have an inordinately sized freezer at home? Well the CEO of Levi Strauss & Co has a simple solution for you. Don't wash your jeans! You can follow his suit and not wash them for years. Instead of the regular water-soap-machine to get rid of the grime, you can freeze them off by tossing your jeans in the freezer. If you keep up this routine, the CEO of Levi Strauss says that your jeans will last longer than your waistline. Is that a challenge, Mr. Chip Bergh?

On Tuesday, the CEO of Levi Strauss & Co. spoke at Fortune's Brainstorm Green conference about fashion and sustainability. He claimed that jeans do not ever need to be washed.

"These jeans are maybe a year old and these have yet to see a washing machine," he said as he pointed to the pair he wore during the talk. "I know that sounds totally disgusting."

Yes, it does. We could sense the moderator ever slightly inching away from him as the CEO made the bold statement. Maybe someone should interview the moderator on how the CEO was smelling onstage.

Watch the CEO of Levi Strauss & Co. at Fortune's Brainstorm Green conference here:

He recommended cleaning only small parts of your jeans with a toothbrush and a bit of detergent, then air drying. Machine wash, if you had to. If the jeans are spotless, then he suggests throwing them in the freezer to freeze off any bacterial growth.

I don't know about Mr. Chip Bergh's freezer, but mine is definitely too cluttered with ice cream, raw fish and meat, and other miscellaneous items to accomodate my jeans. Maybe he has a freezer just for his jeans. That must be nice. One washer, one dryer, one freezer. Yep, that sounds about right.

"If you treat them right, they'll last a long, long time - probably longer than most people's waistline," the CEO claimed.

Maybe what he's really saying that you shouldn't have so much food in your freezer that you can't fit your jeans in. If you do, the chances are that you will start not fitting into your precious pair of Levi jeans.

Okay Mr. Bergh, point taken.

But how does one place jeans in the freezer? Rolled up? Folded? Absolutely flat with no creases?

That doesn't matter so much. Just make sure that your Levi jeans aren't touching raw fish or something.

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levi strauss
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