‘Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice’ Rumors: Emily Blunt Joins Movie Cast? Wonder Woman Bracelets For The Film Revealed!

"Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice" may have another cast member in the works. Emily Blunt is reportedly up for a role in Warner Bros. flagship superhero film.

The source of the report is a Spanish website, El  Multicine. The translation courtesy of Comic Book Movie:

"The actress Emily Blunt will land on billboards worldwide with her film 'Edge of Tomorrow', in what appears to be a great science fiction role. Now her name returns to the orbit of comic adaptations with her possible incorporation in 'Batman Vs Superman', directed by Zack Snyder. A film that has been shooting since last month."

Comic Book Movie suggests taking this information with a grain of salt, as there is no way to verify this at this time.

Emily Blunt is no stranger to action themed movies or comic book movies. Currently, she can be seen in "Edge Of Tomorrow" with Tom Cruise. But do you know that she could have been in some of your favorite films a long time ago?

Again, from CBM: "In the past, Emily Blunt was Marvel's first choice to play Black Widow in Iron Man 2 but she passed on it and it eventually went to Scarlet Johansson ("The Avengers"). She was also offered the role of Peggy Carter in Captain America: The First Avenger, but she passed on that as well. That role eventually went to Hayley Atwell. Because of those choices Scarlet has become one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood and Hayley has managed to get a spin-off television series based, Agent Carter. Suffice it to say, Scarlet and Hayley owe Emily a thank you for her pickiness."

Perhaps she could play an Amazon along with Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. That could give her some incentive for the role because she might have to wear this. Then she could get to wear this:  

It's possible that these are the The Bracelets of Submission. From the DC Wiki: These are a pair of indestructible steel cuffs worn by all Amazons of Paradise Island. They serve as a reminder of the years when the Amazons were subjugated under the rule of the treacherous Hercules. Years after gaining their independence however, the Amazons continued to wear the Bracelets as a symbol of their past oppression. Wonder Woman continued to wear a pair of these metal cuffs, each one decorated with a red star along the band. She often used the bracelets to deflect gunfire, small missiles and other projectile weaponry.

"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice" will be released on May 6, 2016.

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
Emily Blunt
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