Jurassic World Movie Spoilers, Leaked Photo & Plot Confirmed By Director Colin Trevorrow! He’s Not Happy Though – ‘They're Doing It Wrong’

It has been really hard to get some Jurassic World Spoilers since the film is shrouded in secrecy, but fortunately the nosey fans have its way on juicy info about the highly anticipated film.

Filming have already kicked off in Hawaii and according to Patrick Crowley during his interview with the Honolulu Pulse, he explained that the production will take place six weeks in Hawaii, and scenes will be filmed in Oahu and Kauai.

And while the film has started shooting leaked photos and spoilers have been popping like mushroom that disappointed director Colin Trevorrow, but he did confirm the news in an interview with SlashFilm, saying that the leaks were "real story elements that the film-makers were hoping to introduce to the audience in a darkened movie theater... I hope whoever leaked it is actively trying to undermine what we're doing. Because if they're trying to help, they're doing it wrong.

Adding how busy the Isla Nublar would be in the movie, "Jurassic World takes place in a fully functional park on Isla Nublar. It sees more than 20,000 visitors every day. You arrive by ferry from Costa Rica. It has elements of a biological preserve, a safari, a zoo and a theme park. There is a luxury resort with hotels, restaurants, nightlife and a golf course. And there are dinosaurs. Real ones. You can get closer to them than you ever imagined possible. It's the realization of John Hammond's dream, and I think you'll want to go there."

"Our relationship with technology has become so woven into our daily lives, we've become numb to the scientific miracles around us. We take so much for granted ... What if, despite previous disasters, they built a new biological preserve where you could see dinosaurs walk the earth ... and what if people were already kind of over it? We imagined a teenager texting his girlfriend with his back to a T-rex behind protective glass. For us, that image captured the way much of the audience feels about the movies themselves. 'We've seen CG dinosaurs. What else you got?'"

He even added a Jurassic World movie spoilers himself, revealing that there would be "one new dinosaur created by the park's geneticists. The gaps in her sequence were filled with DNA from other species, much like the genome in the first film was completed with frog DNA. This creation exists to fulfill a corporate mandate - they want something bigger, louder, with more teeth. And that's what they get."

director Colin Trevorrow previously revealed that the plot could focus on the characters of "Guardians of the Galaxy" star Chris Pratt and Omar Sy.

"We definitely talked about [sequels] a lot," director Colin Trevorrow admitted to Empire.

"We wanted to create something that would be a little bit less arbitrary and episodic, and something that could potentially arc into a series that would feel like a complete story."

Trevorrow went on to say that a sequel could be centred around Omar Sy's character.

"He's essentially Chris Pratt's best friend," he said. "They work together and have some pretty cool action scenes together.

"I wanted to create a relationship there that could be memorable and potentially carry on to future films."

Here are first photos from the set as posted by Movie Pilot.

And now, one major Jurassic Spoiler plot alert!

It's almost sure that no original cast will be returning to reprise their roles in the film, however, it has recently been confirmed by director Colin Trevorrow that BD Wong - remember him? - will return to reprise his role as the genius engineer Henry Wu.

The talented director managed to spill the beans about his plan for the actor that could play a major point in today's movie.

 "[Henry Wu] had a much larger role in the original novel, he was the engineer of this breakthrough in de-extinction. He spent two decades living in Hammond's shadow, underappreciated. We think there's more to his story."

The film will hit theaters on June 12, 2015.

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