Park Jung-hyun accidently says "My hobby is to talk bad about people"

Park Jung-hyun misunderstands the question and says unintentionally says a lie.

On December 5, MBC tv show 'Yoo Jae-suk and Kim Won-hee Come to Play', the mentors of "Great Star Audition 2" come out as guests.

Singer Park Jung-hyun confesses her weird hobby. During the show, she confesses that her "hobby is talking bad about people".

Park Jung-hyun said that "when I first got asked to be the mentor of the Star Audition 2 show, the staff asked I watched the first season and if I was good at saying mean comments and talking bad about people. So I responded, I love doing that! It is my hobby”, which made the people around her shocked. However, Park Jung Hyun thought the staff meant ‘Dok-suh’ (reading) instead of ‘Dok-sul’ (talking bad about people). Park Jung-hyun “meants I love to ready but I misunderstood the staff and unintentionally lied”.

On the other hand, for the “Great Star Audition 2” mentor special, Lee Seung-hwan, Yoon Sang, Yoon Il-sang also starred in the show.

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Park Jung Hyun
Lena Park
