Psy Soon to Take Over Boston? Berklee ID Revealed by Boston News Source

After gaining global fame for his music video of "Gangnam Style," Psy became a pride of Boston

A local tabloid magazine called, "The Boston Phoenix" featured a segment covering Psy and his academic background in the September issue. The article even revealed real proof that Psy did indeed attend Berklee, school of music.

Previously, Psy's academic background came into focus in the "TIMES" magazine as well when "Gangnam Style" first began to take off in terms of popularity.

The source explains, "Psy was born in December of 1977 and graduated from Banpo Elementary and Middle Schools then studied at Boston University first and transferred to Berklee soon after. The article also mentions that Psy has not yet earned his degree.

A photo of Psy's Berklee student ID card was revealed which showed Psy in his 20s. Although he is thinner than he is now, nothing about his unique face expression changed over the years.

Meanwhile, Psy's "Gangnam Style" topped the iTunes music chart at number 1 in the United States as well as 17 other countries. 

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