Lee Hyori Apologizes "I Will Take Whatever Punishment I Deserve For Labeling My Food Organic"

Singer Lee Hyori apologized for labeling her beans as organic.

On November 27, Lee Hyori posted on her blog, "I am sorry for causing you so many inconveniences. Even though I didn't know, it was still my fault so I will take whatever punishment I deserve."

She continued, "I thank those who corrected my mistake as well. I will be more careful with the things I do from now on. From Sogildek."

Lee Hyori had previously posted on her blog that she is selling the beans she grew herself and the sign read, "Organic beans."

In order to receive the mark 'organic,' the seller must receive many tests and certifications. Going against the certification law could result in 3 years of imprisonment or a fine.

Agency B2M Entertainment said, "Lee Hyori was not aware of the certification law. She grew the beans herself and went to go sell them in the street market. They went in to investigate it to make sure she grew them at home. We are waiting for the results." 

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