Obama Sued By House Republicans? John Boehner Confirms Lawsuit, Says Republican Voices Must Be Heard [PHOTO]

This past Wednesday, House Speaker John Boehner confirmed that Republicans plan to sue President Obama due to Obama's decision to bypass Congress and use executive action to provide deportation relief for millions of undocumented immigrants.

According to Fox News, Boehner stated, "The president's overreach when he took executive action to deal with the immigration problems in our country, frankly, in my view, is a violation of our Constitution...

 We believe that the filing of a lawsuit to try to stop the president from - from violating our Constitution is an important step for our institution. This isn't about immigration. This is the president violating the Constitution, violating his oath of office, and frankly, not upholding the rule of law."

The Huffington Post reports that Boehner's comments confirmed what he reportedly told House Republicans last week. He is not abashed about his resolution, even after House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) recently stated that the lawsuit was "an embarrassing admission of failure" for Republicans.

Boehner responded, "It's about the Constitution. It's about the rule of law. We're a coequal branch of our government, and the president doesn't have the ability to just change law all by himself."

The House is also planning to vote in order to repeal ObamaCare next week. Boehner has said that he thinks getting the voices of new Republicans heard is very important - he stated, "We have 47 new members of Congress on the Republican side who have never had the chance to cast their vote to repeal ObamaCare...

ObamaCare is hurting our economy. It's hurting the job prospects for millions of Americans. And it's hurting our whole health care delivery system while at the same time driving up costs for the average American."

What are your thoughts on the upcoming lawsuit against Obama?

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John Boehner
House Republicans
