miss A Fei Gets Her Body Split In Half Through Magic?

miss A member Fei's body splitting magic on MBC "Magic Concert- This is Magic" is becoming an issue.

In the episode today, the magician Choi Hyun Woo put Fei into a clear glass case and cut Fei's body into halves with a knife. Fei, whose body was split perfectly in half, moved her toes while lying down to indicate that she was still alive.

The audience, who was seeing all of this, watched with unbelievable eyes. Member Min said, "I was really worried if miss A has to now work with only 3 members."

Internet users who saw this commented, "Crazy magic," "How did he do it?", and "I was so shocked when Fei moved her toes."

Photo Credit: MBC

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miss A
Magic Concert
Choi Hyun Woo
