Will Clara Sacrifice Herself In 'Doctor Who' Season 9 Episode 10 For Gallifrey [SPOILERS]?

With the last batch of episode synopses coming out for "Doctor Who" Season 9, fans are slowly piecing together how companion Clara Oswald might depart the series.

On Monday, Doctor Who TV released the episode synopsis for "Doctor Who" Season 9 episode 11, the penultimate episode of the series titled "Heaven Sent."

"Trapped in a world unlike any other he has seen, the Doctor faces the greatest challenge of his many lives," says the synopsis. "One final test. And he must face it alone. Pursued by the fearsome creature known only as the Veil, he must attempt the impossible. If he makes it through, Gallifrey is waiting..."

Based on the synopsis, it appears to be linked to what will occur in "Doctor Who" Season 9 episode 10, which features the return of Maisie Williams and Joivan Wade.

"The Doctor and Clara, with their old friend Rigsy, find themselves in a secret alien world, folded away among the streets of London," says the synopsis. "Not all of them will get out alive."

Through linking the spoilers in these synopses, Whovians believe they can predict how Clara will eventually depart the series.

"I am now sure that we have a three-part finale here," commented The Impossible Sam on Doctor Who TV.

"The fact that Peter [Capaldi] is alone and that his search may lead him to Gallifrey means that the Doctor Who will not die in 'Face the Raven,' which means it would most probably be Clara. But here is where it gets interesting. The motivation for finding Gallifrey will most probably be Clara. He'll try to change time. I am sure of it."

Back in August, the Twitter account Doctor Who Filming released set photos featuring actress Jenna Coleman in a waitress uniform. What makes the set photos even more interesting is that she appears to be working at Eddie's Diner, and it is a location we've seen before on "Doctor Who."

Back during "Doctor Who" Season 6, Eddie's Diner was a featured location during the premiere episode titled "The Impossible Astronaut." Fans may recall it featuring familiar faces like River Song (Alex Kingston), Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) and of course Matt Smith's Doctor.

How will all this conclude in the finale? Sound off below!

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