“Walking Dead’s" Norman Reedus Warns Fans After Getting Bitten During Walker Stalker Con?

"Walking Dead's" Norman Reedus was not able to escape a bite in real life during the Walker Stalker Con in New Jersey.

As reported by TMZ, the Daryl Dixon actor apparently was having his picture taken a fan when she suddenly took the opportunity to bite him on the chest. Security people immediately rushed to take the said woman away from the actor.

Despite the incident, the Daryl Dixon actor won't reportedly be pressing charges against the woman.

The woman though has been banned from all future Walker Stalker events especially in events where the "Walking Dead's" Norman Reedus would be present.

According to a report on People, the woman in question purportedly asked for an apology following the incident on a social media post.

"Finally got to meet the love of my life, and get banned from the rest of CON and lose two more $100 photo ops with him because I lost my mind," the post read in the screenshot that was cited by the source above.

"Got so excited standing beside him... & just turned my head and bit him!" the post further said. "I don't know what came over me. It wasn't my intention to hurt him. I'm sorry Norman!" 

The Daryl Dixon actor didn't seem to have held a grudge over what happened. As told by Today, the actor also took to social media to send a reminder to his fans of what they shouldn't do upon meeting him.

"Um please don't," he captioned on a photo of him with a statement shirt saying "Do not bite me."

Having bitten has not been the only weird thing that the Daryl Dixon has experienced with his fans. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly last September, he revealed being sent questionable items as well.

"I just got my second breast implant sent to me," "Walking Dead's" Norman Reedus shared. "That's two for me, on the show."

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Norman Reedus Walking Dead
Walker Stalker Con
new jersey
daryl dixon
breast implants
