Dr. Who Season 10: Steven Moffat Confirms 14 Episodes For Dr. Who Series 10

Dr. Who Season 10:  Steven Moffat, lead writer and executive producer for BBC's "Doctor Who" is stepping down the science fiction show after this upcoming season. Doctor Who will be on hiatus until spring 2017.

Moffat will still come up with a Christmas special as well as the 12-episode season 10 that is slated to air in 2017.

He announced that the next season will have 14 episodes.

"Ahead of me this year I have 14 Doctor Whos and 3 Sherlock films, so the last thing I'm doing is contemplating work beyond that. But the day's coming when I'll have to," Moffat said in a recent interview.

Steven Moffat will end his tenure with the Dr. Who Christmas special in 2017. Moffat will hand over the series over to Chris Chibnall, the showrunner for the detective series "Broadchurch" starring David Tennan

 "I want to thank Steven Moffat for everything he has given 'Doctor Who' - I've loved working with him, he is an absolute genius and has brought fans all over the world such joy. I will be very sad to see him leave the show, but I can't wait to see what he will deliver in his last ever series next year with a brand new companion," read a statement from BBC One Controller Charlotte Moore.

"I have decided to schedule Steven's big finale series in spring 2017 to bring the nation together for what will be a huge event on the channel. 2016 is spoilt with national moments including the Euros and Olympics and I want to hold something big back for 2017 - I promise it will be worth the wait! I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Chris Chibnall, a wonderfully talented writer who I know will bring something very special to the hit series."

After six seasons, Steven Moffat decided to step down as the lead writer and executive producer of "Doctor Who" after its next season airs, in 2017.

"Feels odd to be talking about leaving when I'm just starting work on the scripts for season 10, but the fact is my timey-wimey is running out," Moffat said in a statement.

Peter Capaldi will be filming Doctor Who series 10.

"You have to be fit to do Doctor Who and so I've just been getting myself ready and I'll be getting into training to start the show," Capaldi told RadioTimes.com.

"When we start, it'll run for nine months and the most important thing is to be there and to be fit and be on top of everything. I'm looking forward to starting."

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Dr. Who Season 10
Steven Moffat
