Pokemon X And Y Shiny: Make Your Own Shiny Tracking Machine!

Now that Pokemon X and Y have been out for some time, the task of farming shiny Pokemon may have gotten that much easier.

Introducing the Poke-O-Matic, created by YouTube user dekuNukem, a fully automated way to hunt, breed, clone, and release shiny Pokemon.

"Achieved by a single light sensor taped on the button screen, all the controller does is read the sensor and push buttons," writes Nukem.

Although there are several ways to farm and track down shiny Pokemon, the Poke-O-Matic will do so while you sleep or do other things, and may be the most hassle-free way to gather shinies.

According to Escapist Magazine, the device runs on an Arduino-powered microcontroller. While the Poke-O-Matic can retrieve, hatch, nickname, and store Pokemon, it requires that your character stay within a well-defined area.

However, as time passes, perhaps Nukem will come up with a better model.

But perhaps it will even be someone else, as Nukem has uploaded the code for everyone to see, interpret, and perhaps even improve upon.

"The source code is a complete mess. I tried to split the POM_master.c to multiple, but that awful Arduino IDE just wasn't happy," continued Nukem.

"If you want to make one, I would suggest you look at the video/code and write your own, don't try to replicate what I did exactly, which probably won't work."

If you are a tech-savvy shiny Pokemon fanatic, check out the code here, and perhaps someone else will make an upgrade in the near future!

Check out a video demo of the Poke-O-Matic below:

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