Pokemon X And Y Shiny Selling On eBay: Masuda Method, Friend Safari Farming Too Much Work For Lazy Nintendo 3DS Owners?

With the release of Pokemon X and Y, the craze over shiny Pokemon has been renewed, and some are looking on eBay for perfect shinies to add to their Pokedex collection.

As Pokemon fans know, finding the exact shiny Pokemon in X and Y can be time-consuming, and breeding/tracking one with the perfect nature, ability, and IV is even more so.

Fortunately, there's eBay! If you search for shiny Pokemon on the website, you'll find a string of sellers selling not only shiny Pokemon, but shiny legendary Pokemon like Kyogre, Mew and others.

The bidding price for shiny Pokemon on eBay can range from a few bucks to up to $15!

What's interesting about the hunt for shiny Pokemon in X and Y is that the success rate has been drastically increased as well, yet places like eBay still manages to make a profit off of gamers not wanting to put in the work.

A good example of this is the classic Masuda Method, which is still in effect in Pokemon X and Y.

In addition, good ol' grassing hunting has also been perfected, and utilizing the Friend Safari has made shiny hunting much, much easier.

A Pokemon X and Y fan has even developed an automated shiny hunting machine called the "Poke-O-Matic" to hunt for shinies while you sleep!

Which begs the question, is paying money on eBay for shiny Pokemon really worth it?

"Who in their right mind would actually pay upwards of ten dollars just to have a Pokémon that they'll probably end up never using? It's insane and a waste. You can spend/waste money on something, anything else," wrote Jacob Whritenour on Hardcore Gamer.

If you had the extra income, would you pay for your very own shiny (potentially legendary) shiny Pokemon?

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