No Man's Sky Release Date: Hello Games Working Hard To Meet June Release Date; No 'Faked Physics'

No Man's Sky Release Date: "No Man's Sky" is rumored to be released very soon this year.

"No Man's Sky" is set to feature in-game diversity and accessibility in the upcoming VR headsets.

"I don't know what I'm allowed to say, it's something we're thinking about. Morpheus, Oculus... There's nothing more cool and sci-fi than VR and a big procedural universe. I think that, for the people who want to just explore, and even for the space combat and things like that, it would be a good fit. Let's put it that way," Hello Games managing director and No Man's Sky chief architect Sean Murray told Gamesradar.

Murray took to Twitter to say he had just finished a 20 hour coding shift "full steam."

"We have people that will fly down from a space station onto a planet and when they fly back up, the station isn't there anymore; the planet has rotated. People have filed that as a bug,"  Murray told The Atlantic.

Murray says that their upcoming offering does not have "faked" physics. Real psychic Marie Bargas, known as the pop psychic Hollywood Witch, might blame it Mercury Retrograde.

"With us, when you're on a planet, you can see as far as the curvature of that planet. If you walked for years, you could walk all the way around it, arriving back exactly where you started," Murray told The Atlantic.

"Our day to night cycle is happening because the planet is rotating on its axis as it spins around the sun. There is real physics to that. We have people that will fly down from a space station onto a planet and when they fly back up, the station isn't there anymore; the planet has rotated," he went on to say, adding that this feature had many believing it's a bug.

Hello Games are pretty sure that 'No Man's Sky' will be released this year on PS4 at a price of $73. Most indie games cost less than $60-game but 'No Man's Sky' is not going to be an average game. No Man's Sky is the biggest video game title. It explores a massive 18 quintillion worlds. Gamers who discover one planet every second, it will literally take you 584 billion years to visit each one of them. Not all the planets in the No Man's Sky universe are friendly.

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no man's sky release date
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