Watch 'One Punch Man' Episode 11 Live Stream Free Online: Saitama Meets Boros The Dominator

Courtesy of Daisuki and Viz Media, a new episode of "One Punch Man" is now streaming online. Episode 10 is entitled "The Dominator of the Universe" and is available to stream online using website links provided below.

Watch "One Punch Man" Episode 11 Here


This week's episode begins with the monsters aboard the alien ship wondering what to do about Saitama, as he's taken down all their attempts to stop him. Meanwhile, the rest of the S class heroes remain on the ground, fighting the seemingly indestructible alien Melzarguard.

Silver Fang and Metal Bat make some ground against the alien just as Saitama gets to the main control room of the ship. Melzarguard prepares to make his last stand, so Silver Fang, Metal Bat, Puri Puri Prisoner, and Atomic Samurai launch direct attacks to stop him.

Metal Bat figures out that Melzarguard can only be destroyed by finding the marble inside his body. Saitama has arrived to the alien in the control room, Geryuganshoop. Geryuganshoop tries to fight Saitama using his telekinetic powers, but Saitama just throws a rock at his head and he dies.

The group of S Class heroes fighting Melzarguard has taken out a few of his heads, but suddenly, fire from the ship is coming to bombard them. Tornado however stops all the shells immediately. Tornado sends the shells back to the ship.

Saitama finally gets to their leader, Boros. Boros was told by a seer that there was a fighter on a faraway planet that could match his power. Saitama punches him for destroying their city just because he was looking for a chance to rekindle his passion for fighting.

The punch does not destroy Boros however. Instead it destroys a special suit that was apparently holding in all of his true power.

Fans can also watch "One Punch Man" episode 11 here

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