‘Mass Effect 4: Andromeda’ Release Date Delayed? BioWare Talks About Customizable Makos

Bioware officially announced that in line with the release date of "Mass Effect 4: Andromeda," that they have included a new feature of the game, which includes customizable Makos in game.

Game producer Mike Gamble revealed in an interview, which was reported by The Escapist, that players would be able to fully customize the Makos on the release date of "Mass Effect 4: Andromeda."

"We're playing around with a bunch of different physics for the Mako," Gamble said.

Just like any other customizable feature for any game, the Makos are set to reveal the character of a player.

"The thing that we have to do is make sure it's as responsive as possible. We've learned a thing or two over the years. In terms of customization, it's been something that we've been looking at for sure, because we feel as though if you're going to be spending a lot of time in vehicles in places, they should reflect you as a player."

In addition to the excitement gamers have for the upcoming release date of "Mass Effect 4: Andromeda," lead level designer of "Mass Effect 4 Andromeda" Colin Campbell revealed in an interview that was reported by Cross Map how they plan to design the game.

"I take care of how we create levels for "Mass Effect Andromeda,'" Campbell said. "If you're making a big RPG, like we're making, they are big moving beasts so you need a team that is capable of taken vision from high up and populating it out to a game that in a lot of cases devs won't see the parts of it."

"You need to have a really good team that has really good communication, I might tell a level designer that we need to make a level where we're feeling like we are entrenched, pushing people back from all angles, we want that kind of feeling."

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