'H1Z1 PS4 Release Update: Just Survive' Update: Developer Satoshi Arakawa Talked About New Items And Features

The gaming world has been waiting for the release of ''H1Z1: Just Survive'' with bated breath and are playing the early access version now. Even though the developers have been constantly upgrading the features, the final version is not yet ready to be launched.

As per the update dated Apr. 12, 2016 on the official website, the updates on the test servers have been uploaded on the live servers. ''We are making some changes about the recursive destruction based on your feedback. We will be taking this feature out of tomorrow's publish to do some additional design work before implementing it again. Thanks to everyone who took the time to jump onto the Test server and provided feedback. It's this type of player interaction that we hope to foster more of moving forward'' mentioned the producer.

On Apr. 15, 2016, the developers gave an update about the work in progress in art livestream. Developer Satoshi Arakawa talked about the new item on the game and uploaded a video. On Apr 20, 2016, the producer talked about the ''general order of development'' which is as follows-

''1) Generate terrain

2) Point of interest population

3) Spawn and loot population

4) Building layout and design

5) City layout and design

6) Art pass on terrain

7) Tree pass

8) Art pass on buildings

9) Lighting pass

10) Optimizations''

This update talked about the new mode ''Ignition.'' ''Please join our Test servers this weekend for another look at our new mode, Ignition.  This is likely our final test run of the new mode, so get in now to check it out and give us some feedback.  Our plan is to do this last test, make a final iteration on the mode, and then add it to the Live servers for regular play in early May.  Again, we're embracing the Early Access part of this and want to get it out; we will continue to tune and iterate, but we believe that it is close and ready for large scale play'' mentioned the producer.

There were updates about bug fixes and the other features which are added during the progress. The excitement of creation will continue till the game is launched.

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