Gong Yoo Is A Vision In Pink Bottega Veneta At Hong Kong Fan Meeting

Gong Yoo did not need to do anything in his Hong Kong fan meeting but stand on stage to make his fans' hearts flutter but the "Goblin" did one better when he showed up in stylish outfits that would put magazine models to shame. The thousands of fans who attended the event at the sold out AsiaWorld-Expo were not disappointed.

According to a report by South China Morning Post, Gong Yoo put his impeccable fashion sense to work when he appeared before the fans with several outfit changes. While his style choices were not over the top or eccentric, the actor's choices were quite conservative but proved that he could pull off any look in dapper fashion.

Based on the report, Gong Yoo initially impressed fans with an all gray ensemble and black shoes. However, it was when the actor changed to a pink pants suits from Bottega Veneta did he truly show his fashion forward style. While most men would shy away from the color, Gong Yoo carried off the look with great ease as he serenaded his fans and answered their questions in a laid back atmosphere.

Gong Yoo, who recently won the award for Best Actor at the prestigious Baeksang Art Awards for his role in the hit drama "Goblin" shared that even though he is a well-known celebrity, he is not immune to the plight of regular film crews working on sought after Korean dramas. He said that film crews deserve a lot of credit for the effort they exert in making sure that high-quality dramas are shared with the world but remarked that there is a need to review long working hours that they have to undergo to complete the dramas.

He said that film crews and actors all grow weary of the grind because they too are regular people. On the rare occasions that he has a moment of rest, he said he exercises, listens to music or does what any regular pet owner does - clean up his cats' poop, Gong Yoo said in a report by Straits Times

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