Kim Cattrall Interview Says She’s Addicted to 'Fizzy Yoga'; Says It `Saved Her Life’

Kim Cattrall interview in England’s The Times revealed that she is hooked on “Fizzy Yoga.” The Kim Cattrall interview explained that Fizzy Yoga is a hybrid of physiotherapy and yoga. Kim Cattrall says the new exercise craze that has taken off in New York. Kim Cattrall says the mix of massage, meditative breathing, physio adjustments and yoga poses “saved her life” during her run in a new play.

The Kim Cattrall interview in The Times says he has been an exercise aficionado since the 1980s when Jane Fonda's aerobics classes became popular.

Kim Cattrall practices fizzy yoga, which is also called physiyoga, which means yoga-enhanced physiotherapy, under the guidance of her yoga guru Helen O' Neill.

Kim Cattrall is so addicted to her fizzy yoga routine that she asked her New York physiyoga teacher Diana Zotos to find a London-based practitioner before she agreed to star in Tennessee Williams’ “Sweet Birth of Youth” at the Old Vic theater.

Kim Cattrall said “As I get older, I find that cardio is less important to me,' she explains. 'What I want to do more of is intense stretching. I'm not worried about injuring myself because a regular yoga instructor isn't versed in the way of the body like a trained physio is.”

Kim Cattrall says Helen O’Neill, her London-based yoga instructor was responsible for “saving her life” during the three month run of the play. Cattrall suffered from a sore right knee, stiff sacrum and “bruises bigger than a professional snowboarder.'

During her tenure on “Sex and They City,” Kim Cattrall has hooked on a a high-impact regime that she says was disastrous, “I’d do massive sessions of heavy cardio before each series started and then no exercise at all during filming. I'd just collapse at the weekends.”

When her knee gave out during a run of the play “Private Lives” she couldn’t do regular workouts with her trainer even after she did six months of physiotherapy.

Kim Cattrall now does session twice a week for an hour in her apartment. She says she has been consciously changing bad bodily habits. She says if you pull a muscle the instructor is there to help. She says, '[My body] is my Stradivarius and I want to keep it in good shape not just for health reasons but for work. They couldn’t run for obvious reasons and there’s not enough movement in Pilates.

Cattrall says Patricia Field, the stylist on “Sex and the City” called her a “Hem Nazi” because of her attention to detail in her TV clothes and her body. She says “I think Helen’s really got her finger on something that women my age can use to make our lives pain-free.”

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